
Monday 31 August 2020

My Speech

Hello Bloggers

Today I am posting about my speech. Today at school we presented our speeches. I am competing for the school competition. My speech is entitled, 'can video games make you smarter?' Also when the other classmates  were reciting theirs we had to mark them. My favorite speech was my friend named Alvin his was about Busy verses Productive people. When I marked his Speech he got 28/28 because his speech was good he had good eye contact. His speech was in the time limit.  

Here Is Mine:

I have heard  quite a lot of people say that video games make you dumber. But I love them and I am smart so I have to prove my point.  

Hi my name is Ethan. I Love video games. I will show THEM WRONG. Who loves video games probalry everyone. I sure do. 

My point is that everyone says that video games make you dumb. I do not believe them. According to studies that only some of the games make you smarter Minecraft etc. A couple of scientists tested 12,004 students, they found that students who play video games do better then other people who don’t. 

Also some people say that playing video games makes your eyes ruined but I always sit to close the TV when playing video games. My Mum and Dad always tell me to sit back from the TV.  But can first person shooter games make you smarter? The answer is yes, studies show that if you play FPS games like call of duty, fortnite ETC they make you faster at things but not smarter. Some scientists studied games and when you learn about the same topic in class then you will be more likely to rember what the Answer is. 

Here are some excuses to make you allowed to play video games 

1.You develop reading skills if the game your playing has words on the screen or if you are reading the instructions 

Video games help you concentrate  more because when you play a game you will be focused on the game and nothing else. 

Studies found that people who play video games on a regualr basis learn faster then others that don’t 

     So I hope that has taught you lots, Remember don’t play too many video games that make you dumber (not)...  So now you understand that video games make you smarter so don’t say they make you dumber. 

By Ethan 

DId you like my Speech 

Thursday 20 August 2020

I Have A Dream

HI bloggers 

We are about to start our learning on Speeches in Rimu. When I heard this I … Freaked out because I do not like standing in front of everyone
Before we started, we had a task to do to visualise ourselves doing well. We used goggle drawings to create these images. Mine is down below. It is my 'dream' for how it will go and to make sure I stay positive

  1. While I was creating this drawing I thought about…

The hardest part for me during speeches is going to be… Standing up and talking to others because sometimes I do not like talking in front of other

The easiest part is going to be... listening to others when I am done

I chose these tips for myself because… I always get a little bit nervous when we do speeches.

Have you ever had to write and present a speech before?
What would your tips be?
Did you like this post?

Bye for now Ethan

Friday 14 August 2020


Hi, Bloggers, We are having a vote so In this post there will be a link so please vote on our Class Blog. We did a writing competition and every kid in the class did one or if they were not here then they did not do one. The genres were Poem, Mystery and news report and there were words like jellyish, pink, brain.  


Hope you vote for me. 

Thursday 13 August 2020

Storytime with ETHAN

 Hi Blogger's/Reader's  

How Are you?

Today I will be telling you a story...  It is a fictional story (not ture) 

Once upon a time there was a boy named Benjamin.. He was traveling through the woods and he saw a little cottage and then his Sister caught up to him. Her name was Luna and she said "lets go check that out". I said "ok" and then we traveled a little bit further and then heard a howl. I Stopped in my tracks and Luna mumbled to herself. Then when we got a little bit closer I saw someone in the house I went on my hands knees so Luna was just a little bit too excited she said "what was that ''. I didn't reply. I was too freaked out about the person in the cottage I sunk down low finally I replied "I don't know". "That lady shrunk us" I screeched she couldn't here us...


Did you enjoy it? 

I will write more in my next post 

Bye For Now Ethan 


Wednesday 5 August 2020

My first quality blog post

Hi Bloggers/readers

How Are you?

We have been learning about how to write quality blog comments. We learnt this because it was one of our cybersmart tasks. We also made decisions on if it is a good comment.

Link to uru manuka

This is my DLO for the Sort The Comments where we had to do a thumbs up or thumbs down .



It was difficult to do but we got through it and we ended up doing it.

Have you learnt how to do a good quality comment?

What is resilience

Hoi Bloggers/Readers, How are you? 

Today I am blogging about resilience in this blog post. I will be showing you what it is and a video to explain it as well  if I don't explain it that well. Having Resilience is when something is hard and you don't give up. 

When do you have resilience? 
Why not comment? 
Bye for now Ethan

Monday 3 August 2020

James Clear

Hi Bloggers 

How Are You?

Today I am blogging about  James Clear. He Has some cool tips. Here are some of the ones we had - 
          1. Start incredibly small

          2. Start in less than 2 minutes

          3. Improve by 1% each day

          4. Seinfeld Strategy - don’t break the chain

What I learnt from this was that if you start small it makes it easier to keep going.

Why don't you try the 1 percent every day strategy? 
Will you try it????   

See you on my next post Bye